Saturday, May 20, 2006

Object Annex :: Aberdeen's Zoological Models

Models have long been used in biological and medical education. The University of Aberdeen Zoology Museum has a collection with models made by some of the greatest exponents of the art: Glass jellyfish by the Blashkas, wax mites by Deyrolle, a pull-apart horse's hoof by Auzoux, papier mache botanicals by the Brendels --in fact representatives from the entire pantheon of scientific model-making gods.
The mite Sarcoptes scabiei. Emile Deyrolle

Ctenophore Hormiphora plumosa. Leopold & Rudolf Blaschka

Hydroid. Leopold & Rudolf Blaschka

Please note :: MoD will be undertaking a major retrospective of the Blashkas in the near future...

The Art of the Model Maker >>


  1. We are certainly surprised to find anyone has been in here!

    We thought that it was almost entirely certain that no one has actually visited the Museum. Not that we in Administration were surprised by that. We had advised the Director that her publicity ideas were not appropriate.

    Indeed were more likely to prove disincentive to people to visit.

    We will notify her that there has been a visitor.

  2. Since Bush's careless insult about baldness, perhaps a hairpiece could be fashioned for John using this photograph as a template!

  3. Actually we believe that serried ranks of these scabie mites ARE currently deing deployed as his eyebrows.

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