Defensive Capabilities
A sparsely populated and extremely isolated place, Terra Incognita has never been at war. But that doesn't mean we don't know how to protect ourselves. And it doesn't mean we're afraid to try new ideas.
I like this one.
I think we may adapt it. I'm thinking mountains of platonic solids overlaid with drifts of out-sized bucky-balls. A chain of them completely surrounding Museum of Dust.
Let the Khan try and lead his RoTten army over that!
More photographs by dbthayer >>
To the Director,
You may not remember me: Finance Minister Ivo (we met briefly at the MoD launch). During my time in office, I have consistently upheld the Ministry's tradition of non-interference in Museum policy. Nevertheless, in the interests of the Museum and its long-term fiscal viability , it is my duty to express my misgivings at your proposed defence measures. Of particular concern:
- Expenditure on military expansionism has already increased 4999% since the disappearance of our Defence Minister.
- Platonic solids corrode naturally and must be replaced every five years. This is beyond the means of our budget.
- We still owe money, plus interest, from that loan we took out.
I concede that the mountains are picturesque. I also recognise that there is no other way of keeping out the RoTters. However, I will not presume to encroach upon Inky's portfolio by coming up with solutions. He is responsible for the present state of Museum security.
Kind regards,
Finance Minsiter Ivo
Thank you for your concern and fiscal advice, Minister Ivo! And welcome on board! (...? Admin? When did you appoint this joker? I think we'd better thrash out our recruitment process toot sweet! Have you done background checks? What are his credentials?. I haver noted your concerns and will take them into account in future purchasing decisions.
Director de Plume
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