Totally pwned by Donald Rumsfeld

The intercepted communiqué is even more engrossing than I had imagined. Obviously the US have decided to share their bleeding-edge tactical secrets with their allies, William Shatner and Rupert Murdoch. Sure, it LOOKS like chess instructions…
I shudder to think of the effect that this is going to have on our peace efforts. Actually, I decided not to show them to La Cacaracha Libre… too much like a red rag to a bull… but I know that Inky, when he returns, will find them immensely useful.
BTW this is an interactive chess manual, and it weighs about 500kgb >>
Thanks for intercepting Donald's gift! I didn't want it - Rummy is so 'Old Neo-con' these days. I'm backing Hillary these days. When she bombs Iran, you know she'll see it through to the very end . . . till there's nothing there at all . . . none of this half-hearted stuff we're seeing from Rummy.
Hah! I told you Rummy was ditched.
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